Zambia African Safari

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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Now It’s Fuel from Ethanol

The Zambian government has commissioned a study to assess the possibility of producing fuel from Ethanol at Ilovo’s Zambia Sugar Plc at Nakambala Sugar cane plantation in Mazabuka.

Zambian Energy and Water Development minister Felix Mutati said, ''We are following the matter vigorously and are going to support the private sector because that is the only way forward.''

Zambia Sugar Plc managing director, Paul De Lobillard was enthusiastic about it. He said the company had the capacity to produce Ethanol as an alternative to fuel.

Mr Lobillard said if the Ministry of Energy and Water Development approved this project, the company was ready to produce Ethanol. Zambia’s economy is on the bullish trend and more energy will be required than was projected.

The company is also considering forming partnership with Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (Zesco) in electricity. Now that’s more power for all. Even more power for new tourism and safari enterprises mushrooming up everywhere.


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