Zambia African Safari

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Friday, June 30, 2006

Zambezi Resources (ZR) Strike Gold

Zambezi Resources Limited (ZRL) has staked a gold deposit in Chongwe some 60 odd kilometers east of Lusaka City. Lusaka is a fast growing city in Central Africa and the capital city of Zambia. ZRL has reported the presence of high-grade gold deposits at its Chumbwe prospect in Chongwe district. Recently they also announced a find of high-grade uranium at its Oryx prospect in the same area

ZRL managing director Julian Ford said the results at Chumbwe deposits are 27.12g per tonne over 1.3m, 5.12g per tonne over 3,0m, 8.41g per tonne at 1.64m and 7.02g per tonne at 1.0m. These assay result were from the drilling of 24 boreholes using reverse circulation (RC). Three boreholes even showed visible gold flakes and nuggets. This represents a drilled resource measuring 500m and the eastern limit still remains open ended.

More drilling is planned in the second half of this year to determine the extent of gold mineralisation at Chumbwe. 33 boreholes will be drilled to complete the drilling programme.


  • At 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hope that the government will not allow all earnings and benefits to be externalised, but ensure that Zambians also benefit. Let's not a have a repeat of the privatisation story, where the country was milked and then left for dead.

  • At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    african safari will be once in a lifetime experience and its rich in hospitality hotels are no less. Even small camps and lodges had all the luxuries that you expect when you are on a holiday.


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