Zambia African Safari

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Monday, August 29, 2005

Barclays Miles Ahead and Zambia Safari

Barclays Banks Miles Ahead project has been primed to start. The project aims to raise 100,000 British pounds for a sustainable community development in Zambia. Barclays Bank (BB) has asked customers and other stakeholders to join in this corporate social responsibility Jane Zulu BB fundraising leader disclosed recently.

Zulu said the project is in two parts:
  • HIV/AIDS awareness exercise among the youths.
  • Rehabilitation and construction of a youth resource center.

And it is Livingstone for the fundraiser. …But why not? The “Visit Zambia” campaign focuses on Livingstone town Zambia’s tourist capital. The fund raising activities such as fishing expeditions in September and the “Extreme Miles Day” in October 2005 will be held in Livingstone.

Both activities are colander items on the Zambia safari.

The two activities will attract national and international top executives to participate in various pre-sponsored water sports the likes of whitewater rafting, canoeing safari, bungi jumping, gorge flying, etc. And this is in line with the Visit Zambia 2005 campaign.


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