Zambia African Safari

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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sun International Confident of Zambia Safari

Sun International Hotel out going general manager for Zambia Boris Borman is full of confident about Zambia safari. But then Borman knows his stuff. He appreciates the uniqueness and the attraction of the safaris found in Zambia. “We have made Livingstone investor-friendly as all eyes were fixed on Sun International at the time of our investment since Livingstone was perceived to be a high-risk area at that time,” he said.

The Sun International’s newest hotel resort is a ‘combo’ of two hotels built closest to the fairytale-like site at Victoria Falls. The hotel resort company is great at corporate citizenship. They have continued to contribute to the local communities in Livingstone. About US$400,000 has been their social responsibility in the last three years. Wow! Wouldn’t you agree that’s a great show of confidence?

Borman is an architect of a special programme. Sun International has implemented a steady ‘Zambianisation’ policy with 18 Zambians ascending to management positions in the last two years. “We will continue with the programme of getting more Zambians into senior management positions because this is a Zambian registered company. Eventually, even the general manager will be Zambian.”

Says Borman, “One weakness we discovered about Zambia’s tourism industry was that there were not enough facilities to train people to world class tourism standards...”

But for Sun International to upgrade Zambians to management ranks means the country is now acquiring those facilities. Zambia safari is today poised for the challenge of improved tourism. So what gives? Take your pick and invest in Zambian safaris. That’s an opportunity awaiting you.

…And Russell Binks the in coming general manager agrees totally with his predecessor.


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