Zambia African Safari

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Friday, September 30, 2005

Japan Expo 2005 and Zambia Safari

It all started on March 25, 2005. An exciting six months long World Expo 2005 in Aichi, Japan . On September 24, the exposition closed its doors. By then the Zambian stand had recorded one of the highest numbers of visitors. The highest being 26, 339 visitors on Monday September 19. The Zambian mission in Tokyo has confirmed...

It was a hive of activity and a grueling period at the Zambian pavilion! A flurry of “visa enquires and requests for information on Zambian tourism, trade and investment potential.” The Zambian Embassy in Tokyo said the average number of visitors to the Zambian stand pavilion in the last two weeks had been 20,000 visitors per day.

Of course the Victoria Falls received most enquiries. Other enquiries were on agricultural products such as coffee, peanuts and sugar.

During the Expo-2005 Aichi, Japan many countries jostled to promote their best offers in trade, culture, tourism and technology. And Zambia as an African safari country used this effectively. Visitors’ arrival numbers in Zambia are going up, up and UP!

But Zambia’s traditional export is copper and Metal Fabricators of Zambia Plc (ZAMEFA) use it to produce copper cables. Konkola Copper Mines Plc (KCM) is the largest mining company and a major copper producer in Zambia. So it represented other mining houses by exhibiting various metal ores found in Zambia.

Copper is not the only product of Zambia. Gemstones and precious stones were also exhibited at the exposition as part of the Zambian products. These attracted significant interest among visitors.


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