Zambia African Safari

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Thursday, September 08, 2005

Visit Zambia 2005 the Zambia Safari "Carnival"

This is the ultimate, the finale of the campaign “Visit Zambia 2005”. But again it’s the beginning of the more exciting times for Zambia safari.

What will happen?

An estimated 40,000 international visitors and safari enthusiasts will arrive in Livingstone, Zambia in November 2005. They will be here to commemorate a number of centenaries and the sighting of the Victoria Falls.

  1. Livingstone City was established in April 1905,
  2. The Victoria Falls Bridge was completed in April and commissioned in September 1905,
  3. The Seventh Day Adventist church was established in Zambia in April of 1905,
  4. The Jesuit Fathers of the Catholic church established two missionaries: Chikuni in Monze and Kasisi in Lusaka in August of 1905.
  5. The Baptist Church union was established in Zambia in August 1905.
  6. The 100th birth day for the late Secretary General of the United Nations, Dag Hammerskjeold, who died in a plane crash at Ndola, Zambia on September 18, 1961.
  7. and the 150 years since Dr David Livingstone discovered the Victoria Falls.

Wow… and that’s quite a few centennials!

The Livingstone Events Organisation (LEO) has set up activities that will culminate into the grand finale of the “Visit Zambia 2005” campaign on November 16, the day Dr Livingstone sighted the world wonder, the Victoria Falls, 150 years ago!

Zambia is taking special interest in this event. The world has been invited to celebrate with Zambian. The visitors will include the grand children and the great-grand children of Dr Livingstone. Now that’s a lot of ‘grands’ the “Visit Zambia 2005” campaign will take on board.

So far two of Dr Livingstone's great grand children Dr David Livingstone Wilson and Dierdre Nyasa Rolf Livingstone have accepted to come to Zambia.

According to the Livingstone Centenary Celebrations 2005, the 150 years anniversary celebrations of Dr Livingstone’s sighting of the Victoria Falls would be held on 15th and 16th November in Livingstone, a town closest to the Victoria Falls in Zambia.


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