Zambia African Safari

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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Zambia Safari and 3rd Zambezi Power Station

The Zambezi River has been harnessed for electricity at two points. At Kariba Dam in Zambia and at Cabora Bassa in Mozambique. Both hydropower stations are in Lower Zambezi. Now Zengamina hydroelectricity power station is under construction on the Upper Zambezi near the town of Mwinilunga.

The site of the power station is at the Zambezi rapids locally called "Mpola Yamusangala". The Zambezi passes through these rapids just before it enters Angola.

Work to install two turbines and two generators started last year. The construction of the canal that will divert water to the turbines is progressing well. Mwinilunga Ventures Limited project manager Ezron Yosa confirmed that the power supply will cover the town and public institutions such as Kaleni Mission Hospital and schools: Ikelenge, Sakezhi and Kaleni.

Kaleni Hills is near the source of the Zambezi River and Mwinilunga town will finally enjoy electricity from their own river. Zambia safari will also benefit from the electricity that visitors will enjoy at the Zambezi River Source camping site.


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