Zambia African Safari

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Friday, September 02, 2005

Lady Circle and Zambia Safari

Sylvia Mwansa vice president Lady Circle International (LCI) has ascended to the presidency of her global association. LCI operates in 36 countries worldwide. Lady Circle Zambia past president Rhoda Mulila said Mwansa has become the first Zambian to be elected to the post of President Lady Circle International.

Lady Circle is an association for professional and businesswomen. Its agenda is twofold. Promoting friendship and fellowship among members…and providing community service to the needy in society.

Mwansa has decided that in addition to her role as president she will support the Zambian tourism by promoting the “visit Zambia” campaign. She hopes to impact positively because her job will involve a lot of travel.

Zambia safari will get a real worldwide boost!

Like all other member associations Lady Circle Zambia has assisted the community. They’ve built, re-equipped and maintained the Tuberculosis ward at Mandevu Clinic and renovated and re-equipped Ward A 07 at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Lusaka.


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