Zambia African Safari

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Giant Protea Hotels Expands for Zambia Safari

Protea Hotels Zambia (PHZ) general manager Mauro Guardigli has announced his company’s expansion programme. By mid 2007 Protea Hotels will be operating five hotels in Zambia under the mandate of Union Hotels. Besides the operating Protea Safari Lodge Hotel in Lusaka there are two others under construction, one in Cairo Road and another at Arcades Shopping centre. The fourth will be in Livinsgtone while the fifth is already operating in Chingola,

The first Protea hotel in Zambia was opened in Lusaka in 1998. The second hotel started operating in 2002. The Livingstone one is being built near the world’s superlative in waterfalls, the majestic Victoria Falls.

Since 1984 over 120 Protea Hotels worldwide compete in a field of their expertise. “This year Lusaka Safari Lodge received the 2005 Protea Hotel award in housing keeping. That’s right, the best in house keeping in the 120 Protea Hotels!

“This prestigious award proves that a Zambian company can compete with the best and succeed in delivering a quality product,” Guardigli said. “I am very proud of this achievement.” Zambia safari couldn’t agree more!


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